April 30, 2018

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Romans 14:19

What is the connection between peace and mutual edification? To edify is to lift up, to build, or to nurture. In community, there is a mutual or shared desire for the betterment of all. That betterment for all cannot be accomplished if we are constantly at odds with one another.

As we live in community, it is wise to remember that whatever we say or do affects everyone. Peace comes through paying attention to our own words and actions and developing a more loving approach to all those around us. Change begins in our own backyard; and as we change, there is a rippling effect just like a stone thrown into a still pond.

Prayer: God of transformation, empower me to encourage and uplift those around me. Help me to open my mind and heart to my community so that I can be a catalyst for peace. Amen.


Weekly inspirations will return September 1, 2018.