January 8, 2017

The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.  1 Samuel 10:6

Why do we pray? Because prayer changes things. Often times, our circumstances do not change, but our perceptions, attitudes, and actions change. Prayer is healing; it rejuvenates our spirit and brings us into a deeper relationship with God.

Prayer is not always about asking; sometimes it is about receiving. When we sit in silence and experience the presence of God, we are resurrected from our doubts, worries, and fears. We are filled with a peace and a life-giving energy that propels us forward. We have received God’s power so that we can be vessels for his work in this world.

Prayer:  Holy God, I am blessed when I am changed by your power. You give me peace in those dark hours, you give me hope when all appears lost, and you give meaning to my life when all seems meaningless. You, and only you, can change me into the person that you created me to be. In the name of Jesus the Christ, Amen.